I heard the Lord whisper to me:
"My beloved, I AM...I am your protector, I am your consoler, I am your beloved. I truly hold you by the hand and direct your paths.
Fear not for I am with you always. I will never abandon you. Never betray you. Never leave your side. I am continuously calling out your name.
I have held you in the palm of my hand before the foundations of the earth were created. Come with me, I will always show you the way you should go!"
“For I the Lord your God keep hold of your right hand; [I am the Lord], Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’
Isaiah 41:13 (AMP)
"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;"
Isaiah 49:16 (NIV)

I am in just in awe at God's love for us. He has such a desire to have great intimacy with each one of us. Yes, He really does! He speaks to me a lot about coming to Him, being intimate with Him and spending one on one time with Him; just loving and being in His presence. Sometimes all He desires is our company; for us to approach Him totally vulnerable, totally open and ready to just love on Him. With no 'asking Him for this or that', or going with a long petition list of prayers. Just to approach Him, listen to His sweet, beautiful, soothing voice and hear what He has to say. He will share His heart with you. He really will! He will reveal Himself to you like you have never known Him before. It's so awesome and beautiful to spend moments with Him. This time in His presence fills us up with so much of His love, that when we go out, we are full of His presence and able to share it with those who are in need of Him too.
I remember one time when I entered into His presence, our secret place, I saw Jesus sitting there in a beautiful garden, on a beautiful garden bench. It was so amazing. He had His arms out open in front of Him, calling to me. I ran into His loving arms just like a little girl would. I was just an emotional mess. I began to weep profusely, you know, that kind of weeping that leaves you breathless and speechless? I couldn't stand, I collapsed into His arms and lap. I sat there just crying and crying. I felt His love so profound, so deep, so pure that I was just overtaken by it.
As I began to get my composure back, I was finally able to look into His wonderful face. It was full of compassion and love. Oh such love!!! His eyes were as pure and blue as sparkling diamonds. I was in love. I was able to just sit there on that garden bench and lay my head onto His shoulders and rest. Rest in Him like I can do nowhere else.
This encounter with the Lord left me in awe and wonder. I had never experienced that profound an encounter. Wow Jesus loves me that much? He would actually sit with me in the garden on that beautiful bench? Well, let me just tell you, YES HE DOES... He doesn't love me more than He loves you. He loves YOU TOO...just as much!
So I would encourage you to spend some 'quality' time with our Beloved. He is always waiting for us with great expectation and love. He is NEVER going to condemn you or talk down at you. He just desires to be YOUR BELOVED...and YOU His... 💖💕
I pray you are encouraged by this testimony of mine so that you will also have a hunger to go into His presence and love your Beloved.
Be blessed!
Maria S.