I have been going through a season of much healing the past few months. I really needed deep, profound healing, and my Jesus being so merciful has not failed me, showing me such great mercy, gentleness and compassion throughout this healing process...
So let me share a beautiful moment when I had a vision... (I have had many moments like these)
Jesus was walking in a beautiful garden full of absolutely amazing flowers...they looked to me to be something like yellow lilies. They were moving back and forth with a gentle wind blowing, caressing their tops and bending them to and fro ever so gently. They seemed to be emanating a sound so pure, and wonderful (like music), and their mere existence seemed to worship Jesus and bow to him as he approached me.
Matthew 6:28-30 (NLT)
“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.

He came to me and I felt myself just melt in His beautiful presence. He is so absolutely breathtaking beautiful in appearance. Every time I see Him, I just forget myself completely and focus on Him. He gave me His hand and I slipped my hand ever so gently into His. We then began to stroll through His wonderful garden. Oh how beautiful it is. It goes on forever into the horizon. There were birds chirping and singing praises to Him. Beautiful, ancient huge oak trees, blue sky that just was the purest, deepest blue. Clouds were bouncing around Everything in that garden was in total reverence to Him...It's just so hard to explain in everyday words what He has shown me.
Continuing on our walk, I looked at Him once again and he was chuckling, smiling ear to ear. Just looking at me with such love, compassion and gentleness that I was literally taken back. It was as if I could barely take it in...it was sooo profound. I began to smile, chuckle too. And we were just skipping and jumping through this wondrous field of absolutely gorgeous flowers. He kept looking at me and just 'loving on me'. His look in His eyes just said it all. There was no condemnation, no harsh look or words, only gentleness and kindness emanated from His person.
He then looked at me and said:
"Beloved, how I love you! You are the joy in my step. I delight in you"
As He said these words, I just jumped with such joy that it felt like my heart was just going to explode right out of my chest. I laughed and sobbed, and laughed and sobbed. Onward we both skipped through this garden and I couldn't believe how free and joyful I felt. His presence had touched my deepest recesses of my heart! Oh what joy to be loved by the creator of the universe! What healing and joy there is in His presence. The tears just started to well up in my eyes and I began to understand how much He really cares and loves each one of His children. It was so profound!
Now, I'd just like to make sure that I am explicit on this....EVERY believer can experience the presence of Jesus. It's not that I'm 'special' or better than anyone else! LOL (well I kinda am, like all other believes, we are 'special' to Him) But, when we make an effort to go into the secret place, our safe place with the LORD, only good and wonderful things can come out of it. Trust me! This is truth I'm talking about! LOL...
Truly, I encourage you all, to run, run into His presence. Take time every day to be in His presence, worshipping, reading His word and allowing Him to come and speak to you...write it down, and you'll be amazed at how He WILL meet with you too! (Don't give up, at first, its a bit challenging to focus on Him and spend 'quiet', undisturbed time with Him, but persist, and it will happen!
Today while I was driving home I realized this profound truth: why wouldn't a God who loves His children sooo much not want to be able to freely communicate with them? Why would He not want to have a super amazing relationship with us. Just think of it this way! Don't you want to always have an awesome, close relationship with your own children. To be able to converse and communicate to them your love for them? Don't you want the best for them always? Well how much more would our Father God want this for us? I really encourage you to meditate on this truth. Go before Him and see how awesome a relationship you can have with HIM...
God NEVER said in His word that He would never speak to His children in the times to come. Why do you think Jesus sent His Holy Spirit? Was it not to teach, to speak, to communicate His truth to His children?
I bless you all! I declare that you are all wonderfully and beautifully made, because He formed you in your momma's womb!
Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”